19.12.13. That was the day, the day where all students #batch98 (eceh) all over this lovely country, Malaysia, were going to receive their results for PMR.
And #batch98 is the last batch having PMR weh!
I'm glad indeed. I have no idea how the new concept of education/ exams for batch2 bawah ni works.
Ada kata susah, ada kata bagus. Well, I don't know what to say. Just, good luck for them okay!
Back to the story of the day, Alhamdulillah! All good things come from Allah, indeed. All the ni'mat and happiness. I got something that really, really a good thing to me :)
I'm so happy.
The moment my name been called. No, the time when my name was going to be called. Dup dap. (And actually, my nervous tak sampai tahap yg sebenar2nya that time. Haha! Because I already knew my result!)
After receiving my result from Pengetua, busy with "tulis rahsia kejayaan" and amik gamba whatever, nangis ( haha takdelah!) say congrats to all other members, then two of my friends told me something.
Their countenance were not good and I started to feel something.
"Nama Adilah tak dipanggil." and I realised.
When several of my friends were in affliction, of course, as a friend I felt bad too.
However, life must go on! PMR je baru. Kalau tanya seniors, all of them will say "Ala PMR kacang gila." "SPM lagi mencabar". Well, I will say that to my juniors too in future. Haha!
To Adilah, you know what, I think result awak okay sangat. Maybe berapa sangat marks near missnya. Rezeki masing2, percayelah Allah Maha Mengetahui. Allah tahu yang terbaik utk kita. Just keep berdoa. Doa banyak2.
Same goes to Aliah, Anis, congratulations :)
Say Alhamdulillah. If the results we get don't satisfy us, don't be sad and do better next time!
La Tahzan :)
Good luck untuk masa2 akan datang, all friends, beloved friends :)