

Friday, 20 December 2013

Big Day


19.12.13. That was the day, the day where all students #batch98 (eceh) all over this lovely country, Malaysia, were going to receive their results for PMR.

And #batch98 is the last batch having PMR weh!

I'm glad indeed. I have no idea how the new concept of education/ exams for batch2 bawah ni works.

Ada kata susah, ada kata bagus. Well, I don't know what to say. Just, good luck for them okay!

Back to the story of the day, Alhamdulillah! All good things come from Allah, indeed. All the ni'mat and happiness. I got something that really, really a good thing to me :)

I'm so happy.

The moment my name been called. No, the time when my name was going to be called. Dup dap. (And actually, my nervous tak sampai tahap yg sebenar2nya that time. Haha! Because I already knew my result!)

After receiving my result from Pengetua, busy with "tulis rahsia kejayaan" and amik gamba whatever, nangis ( haha takdelah!) say congrats to all other members, then two of my friends told me something.

Their countenance were not good and I started to feel something.

"Nama Adilah tak dipanggil." and I realised.

When several of my friends were in affliction, of course, as a friend I felt bad too.

However, life must go on! PMR je baru. Kalau tanya seniors, all of them will say "Ala PMR kacang gila." "SPM lagi mencabar". Well, I will say that to my juniors too in future. Haha!

To Adilah, you know what, I think result awak okay sangat. Maybe berapa sangat marks near missnya. Rezeki masing2, percayelah Allah Maha Mengetahui. Allah tahu yang terbaik utk kita. Just keep berdoa. Doa banyak2.

Same goes to Aliah, Anis, congratulations :)

Say Alhamdulillah. If the results we get don't satisfy us, don't be sad and do better next time!

La Tahzan :)

Good luck untuk masa2 akan datang, all friends, beloved friends :)

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Kala Hati Bertatahkan Rindu

Berkelana hati tak sangka dek diri
Mencari pelengkap yang mengisi hati
Namun, hati ini
sewenang-wenangnya berasa sepi
Di manakah hilangnya cebisan
Yang sentiasa menghiasi hari

Perasaan yang mulanya
Segan memulakan bicara
Semakin lama semakin
Segar bak bunga pekaja
Perasaan yang tiada apa
Dapat ditafsirkan dengan kata-kata
Mungkin rindu itu namanya
Tapi rindu itu apa ya
Seakan penjelasan tentangnya tiada

Ibu, ayah, kekasih mahupun rakan
Hadirnya rindu ini
Bagai pungguk rindukan bulan
Pejur seperti titisan  hujan
Namun, tak sehebat rindu
orang beriman terhadap Tuhan

Kebiasaannya rindu ini
Diiringi perasaan kehilangan
Dan mungkin juga berlaku
Sebenar-benarnya perpisahan
Sementara atau selamanya
Tentera- tentera kerinduan
Tak letih mempertahankan keindahan
Yang terkadang memerihkan
Namun, kekuatan dan ketabahan hatilah
Menjadi pasak pertahanan

Janganlah wahai hati
Kau gusarkan
Jikalau tak dipertemukan di dunia
Pastinya kita akan dihimpunkan
di suatu padang yang luas
oleh yang Maha Besar, Tuhan
Teruskan perjuanganmu
Melayari cabaran mahupun kebahagiaan
Meniti arus kehidupan.


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Bond of Chums

The beginning sometimes unpredictable
It may be a greet at the same table
Or just an acquaintance of other people
But still,
It can be something special, memorable
As it brings jauntiness of no tolerable

Along the journey
There must be waves and gales for sure
Yet, pleasure sometimes occur
That quite hard to describe the texture
Exhilaration and delectation
Oh such blessings and great cure

No matter how many members
In this relationship full of colours
Toleration and understanding
Are like strong banisters
Do not ever perceive those matters
As matters of frivolous
Lest you will lose something
Really precious

Yet, not all friends are real friends
Friends are what we call confidants
And always there to reprimand
They are the people
Who always have positive minds
In their hands
Ready to share without vain

Indeed, if you have precious ones
Even only one,
who deserves to be called precious
Love them
 dote on them with your kindness
Yet do not ever abandon the others
Because ignorance
sometimes not a good option

Friends are experiences; whether good or bad.

Pen off.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Bila orang jauh mari!

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .

Pernahkah anda menjejakkan kaki ke Legoland Malaysia? 

Amboi! Macam iklan je.. Haha

Just wanna share gambo2 maso orang 'jauh' ni poi sano. Orang jauh lah sangat!

Eceh ! Intro okay, paham2 lah haha

Apa nama benda ni.. Legoland Tower haha hantam sajalah

Project X - Ememang eterbaek lah

Indian dance.

China. Tai Hao La :)

That's all. Haha. Datanglah ke Legoland Malaysia. Anda akan menikmati kepenatan berjalan kaki dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain. Haha. Podaa! Biaselah tu.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Jangan Salahkan Tuhan

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah. In this enrty, saya ambil bahan daripada buku hasil karya Hilal Asyraf yang saya rasa menarik dan bagus untuk dishare. Lagipun, saya rasa saya tak cukup ilmu dan pengalaman untuk memberikan pandangan saya sendiri. Hee :) Dan saya pilih tajuk ‘Jangan salahkan Tuhan’. Hope yang membaca dan diri saya sendiri dapat tangkap something yang berguna dan jadikan panduan dalam hidup. So guys, enjoy knowledge, be a greedy person in seeking knowledge, and get generous in sharing knowledge.

“Sudah takdir, tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa lagi,”
“Allah sudah takdirkan saya seperti ini,”
“Saya sudah tak dapat berubah, lagipun saya ditakdirkan menjadi jahat,”
“Saya ni bodoh. Walaupun belajar bersungguh-sungguh, tetapi masih kekal bodoh,”

Kita biasa mendengar kata-kata ini, sama ada keluar daripada mulut orang lain, ataupun mulut kita sendiri. Kesilapan kita, adalah kita menyalahkan Allah s.w.t dalam segenap hal. Kita beranggapan Allah sudah takdirkan kita menjadi jahat, bodoh, tak dapat berubah dan sebagainya. Sedangkan, kita tak tahu apa yang Allah takdirkan untuk kita.

Jadi, jangan salahkan Allah s.w.t.

Lihat dan nilai diri kita sendiri.

Siapa mahu memilih untuk terus menjahatkan dan membodohkan diri sendiri serta tak mahu membuat apa-apa perubahan?
Allah s.w.t. mempunyai ilmu yang sangat luas. Kasih sayang-Nya kepada kita juga luas. One of His blessings is, Allah tidak menjelaskan ilmu-Nya yang luas itu kepada manusia. Contohnya, His knowledge on things that happen in future. Dia tak memberitahu kita. Allah tak ceritakan pada kita. Ini kerana, kalau kita tahu apa yang akan terjadi kelak, justeru terputus segala harapan dalam kehidupan manusia.

Dan, manusia yang kehilangan ikhtiar sama seperti mayat yang berjalan.

Ini kerana, mereka tak mempunyai ruang untuk berusaha.

Tetapi, Allah tak memberitahu kita berkenaan masa hadapan kita. What will happen to us. Lantas, dia wujudkan kepada kita suatu kuasa, a power, iaitu ikhtiar ataupun pilihan.

Di sini, nyalaan harapan muncul daripada manusia yang lemah.

Tanda kasih sayang Allah yang sangat luas.

‘Allah memberikan kita pilihan. Kemudian, kita berusaha’ adalah tajuk kecil dalam bab ni di mana ada dinyatakan;

Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 256(maksudnya);
“Tak ada paksaan dalam agama Islam. Sungguh nyata kebenaran Islam daripada sebarang kesesatan. Oleh itu, sesiapa yang tak percayakan taghut dan dia beriman kepada Allah, sesungguhnya dia berpegang kepada simpulan tali agama yang teguh. Allah maha mendengar, lagi maha mengetahui.”

Dengan ikhtiar yang Allah kurniakan, manusia berhak memilih. Tak ada paksaan. Cuma di sini perlu diketahui bahawa setiap pilihan ada kesannya. Every choice has its consequences.

Siapa pilih kebaikan, Allah pasti memberikan pengakhiran yang baik untuknya. Manakala, siapa yang pilih kejahatan, skhir nanti hasilnya adalah keburukan.

Inilah keadilan Allah s.w.t.

Tapi, walaupun dengan mengambil jalan kebaikan menyebabkan kita susah di dunia, kita akan diberikan kesenangan di syurga Allah yang hebat dan abadi.  Kan? Allah tu Maha Adil.

Allah juga menyuruh kita berusaha seperti dalam surah Ar-Ra’d ayat 11,
“Sesungguhnya Allah tak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri”

Ini adalah pemberian ataupun peluang oleh Allah kepada manusia.

Adakah kita patut menyalahkan Allah, sedangkan kita yang tidak mengambil peluang?

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Saat itu
Bunyi angin seakan kian jelas
Dan suara-suara lain
semakin lama semakin tenggelam
Seraya itu, lenyap
Kuresah dalam ketegangan

Kala itu, seorang insan berusaha
Dengan swadayanya
Menggagahkan diri,
mengekalkan posisi diri
Hingga keringat mulai
melembapkan tubuh
milik seorang hamba Allah ini

Dari muka, air itu melalui liang-liang halus
Dahi, kening, pipi, lalu berhenti di dagu
Namun, tak pula menitis, kering
Di atas kulit yang mulus
Angin yang datang
bagai mencucuk-cucuk tubuh
Sejuk yang seakan terkesan
Di jiwa dan minda ketika itu

Bila saja suara tepukan
Kian memenuhi segenap ruangan
Ketika itulah
Hati mulalah berkata
Ayuh diri, keluarkanlah kata-kata

Bersama keyakinan
Yang hadir bena tak bena
Kumulakan kata dengan kepercayaan
 pada hati dan jiwa
Bermacam ragam pasang telinga
Ada yang asyik mendengar,
Ada pula yang tiada langsung pedulinya
Pada saat aku berbicara.

Ragam dan situasi
Lama kelamaan
Dapat ku hadam menjadi isi
Lalu, hati ini mulai terisi
Dengan ketenangan yang
Menjadikan aku tetap berdiri

Sungguh, begitulah
Saat penyampai menjalankan
Tidak kira siapa atau di mana
Goyah di saat mula.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Billet-doux for me


Dear Me, I do always complain. Oh yes, always. I always complain about your bad condition. I don’t like your skin-face; too dirty with all the pimples here and there. Plus, your face is too oily! Sometimes I feel like I want to soak your head in a bowl of hot water! But, damn it! It will just give you more pain…
              My friends are kind. They are very sensible and understanding. I let them hear my problems on you. I tell them how horrible you make me feel. To appear in public is like the worst challenge to me; people will stare at me, people will talk about me. Well, it ought to be good if I bring something nice to be stared and talked but… it always happen oppositely.

However, I do love you indeed. You have such a nice piece of character. You are very simple and sensibly frank. Thank God you have the basic capabilities that some people out there may not have. You have both hands, both eyes, both legs, and so forth. God has given you such enjoyments including each of your breath. I will put the most effort to settle that problem. No matter how long it takes. I will always try to make you feel better and improve you. This is because,
 I love you Julia Farina.


Dear Me, being you is such a pain! Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Your obese really distracts me. It’s so hard for me to even walk and talk. You love to eat. Yeah, it’s normal to love eating but your way is just unacceptable. You find food and think of food all the time without rest! All I can say is you are obsess in food. What more worrying me is, you eat something that is not good though you can opt something better. You live like you never care about me. You make my confidence level very low. I feel shy to appear in public. There must be some people that will make me forlorn either intentionally or unintentionally. They say I am big, I am fat, I look older than I really am, and some may say that I am mother-like!

But do not worry dear Alia, I will make sure you will have a better health and condition. Maybe it’s difficult to make you attain a nice body figure like Jennifer Lopez, but I will transform you to a really better person! No more breathing difficulties! No more self-consent! You will surely love yourself better. Same goes to me, I will love you better and indeed I will love myself better!


Despite of various problems we have, we indeed need to love ourselves. Plus, our health is the most important thing we have to take good care of because our health is our asset. Hence, good appearance means nothing if health  is not good.

-Try to write something to yourselves that can motivate you.


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Voyage ep 6

They were at the food stall. Six glasses of teh o’ ais limau were served on the table. The meeting of six schoolmates became more rapture when Man and Fadh decided to treat their friends three plates of gado-gado.

“Ah, what a nice event to end our school days!” said Nacy. “Just for one and a half month indeed!”replied Syura and they laughed. It was their last day of school. The idea to lepak together came from Man when six of them were walking from the school together.

During the ecstatic conversation, Fie smiled at Syura then addressed her eyes at Fadh. Syura then grinned till ears. The two girls, whom were sitting next to each other whispered among themselves- “He’s handsome today, isn’t he?”asked Syura. Fie then replied with a nod. “That’s the reason he captured your heart!” They giggled.

As the group of secondary school students was busy talking, Fadh pondered. He was not just pondered, he was thinking about something. His insipidity then recovered gradually. He then stared at Fie and smiled. After realized that he had been captured by Man, he then changed his sight. He then drowned into interesting reverie.



Voyage ep 5

That day Fie decided to talk to Syura, just Syura. Their conversation started with a smile on each other’s face. “So… What else do you want to talk about Fie? Isn’t it enough for you to possess all the advantages in this school?” said Syura with a very dissatisfied face.

“What do you mean?”

Syura sighed, “Well..You are in the first class, even the best student of the year to boot! You have all the things to make people esteems you and one of them is Fadh!”


“Well?” Syura had so many things in her mind and that kind of response could never satisfy her!

“What do you want me to do then? Stop going to school? Or study at another school? Well, maybe I don’t understand the whole thing inside of your heart, your true feeling. But Syura, no matter where school  I go, I’m still me,Fie,Hafiza Akmar….Alhamdulillah God had given me such wonderful capabilities and advantages  that I have now.  But, we have to believe that God is fair,the most fair indeed. It’s not that I’m the only one who got the possessions as you said.  Whereas, I’m not really sure things you said just now to be true,” Fie stopped for a few seconds. She had to take a breath and regain her strength.

“Syura, you also got strengths, your own strengths. It’s just you to explore them! I know you have the potential to succeed. Isn’t the fact that you’re in the second class strong enough to prove that you’re good? Even the students in the lower classes can get better results than mine. It’s possible you know? Who knows God gives them the spirit and they put in the most effort then gain success?  We always have to pray to God to guide us and give us the strength. If you want me to assist you on something, InsyaAllah I’ll always ready,”

“And what about Fadh?”

“We’re just friend. I never talk to him till you plan this thing. Or maybe you want to match me with him? Hahaha..,” It was a real mock from Fie. Well, quite good enough to make Syura exasperate. She then showed the ‘vampire’ eyes!

“I’m sure the only thing is you like him right? I’m sorry to make you jealous Syura, but don’t worry please.. I have my own sweety pie..,” Fie grinned.

“Umm…well…who’s that guy?” Syura seemed to accept what Fie was trying to convince.

“Robert Pattison..?” They laughed.

Voyage ep 4

Fie entered the class,escorted by Man(one of the boys in that class,humorous yet clever). They had been talked to each other along the way from the school gate. Syifa, Nacy and even Fadh, looked at them.

“Assalamualaikum,morning!” approached Fie. Man was just left her to gather around with her friends.
“Waalaikumussalam.. Morning..,” answered Syifa followed by Nacy. Suddenly someone came towards them. Well, what a handsome guy indeed! “Urmm… So, Fie..How?”

Fie smiled, “How?” Fie purposely acted like she was clueless. But, suddenly she felt a bit nervous. “What are you going to do? Aren’t you going to know who the person is?” That’s all came out from Fadh’s mouth. “Nothing. What have she done? I don’t want to take it seriously… Maybe she just want to test me…,” And what’s wrong with this guy again? Fie thought. Enough is enough! Why should he bring up this case again?

“Hmm..okay then…,”


The atmosphere in the library was so stuffy! It was like a hamburger packed with a lot of minced meats, cucumbers and tomatoes, so hot though the air-conditioner was switched on.  In that not-so-good condition, couples of girls entered the library. Almost all students looked at them. Seeing everyone focused on something, Syifa’s eyes looked for it.

One of them was like a ghost! Oops, or was it actually celebrity-like that she wanted to exposed herself? Her face was too ‘fair’ as she put too much powder on it. Isn’t ‘celebrity wannabe ghost’ a nice nickname for her? The kids in the library started to talk and whisper, “Ha ha..I’m sure she’ll win if she join a beauty contest!” They laughed. Then,  heard a response, “The winner is Rara Mak Enah!”

“What?! Can’t you just… urghh shut up!” Syura grumbled. The other two of her girlfriends just followed her. However, they were not as the leader, they were more natural and ordinary-like student. But their personalities just covered up their innocence. The four of them walked towards Fie, Syifa and Nacy. “Hey Fie.. Did you get the lovely present from me?” asked Syura. She then laughed half cruelly. That really showed her rubbish side of her heart.

Finally, the real mastermind of the game was revealed. Syura was actually trying to bring Fie down and make her cannot focus on her study. “You’re just so greedy Fie!” their conversation stopped just like that.


Thursday, 26 September 2013

Voyage ep 3

“What do you mean by this Fadh?”asked Fie while holding the box she received from him.
She was so nervous as she felt like her bag was pulling her down.She then sat in front of that guy,followed by Nacy. With her eyes looking at the novel Candy Pop Crush (had been her favourite since the first time she read it),Nacy waited to listen to each word of her friends’ conversation. Should I call this a puppy-love talk? Nacy smiled.

Fie did not want her curiosity disturb her focus. But,what else should she focused on? Well, as a student(secondary school though),education is a matter of course and that kind of things she was facing was such a crappy stuff! After a few seconds Fadh kept on being quiet,Fie smiled and said, “You aren’t going to explain this,are you?”Fie stood up and acted like she wanted to leave. “Wait!”Fadh almost hold Fie’s wrist.

“Actually,I’m not the one who sent those stuffs to you.There’s someone else,”

“Then who’s that guy?”

“That person is not a guy,Fie. She told me to give them to you. I don’t even know what’s in the box. I’m very sorry,Fie,”Fadh resumed. What? Nacy whom still sitting disturded the conversation, “Then,what made you deign to do as she asked to?That’s awful!”

“And,” Syifa disturbed  while walking towards the two fellows. “Why were you so nervous that time like you’re having an interesting intention?” she continues. There must be something about this guy!

“I don’t know,” replied Fadh.

“Okay guys,” Fie said. “That’s enough. Fadh,I don’t want to know who that girl is. Just give this present and card back to her,” Fie walked away.

“But,Fie!” Nacy and Syifa confused.


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sedarku hanyalah yang kusedar

Sedar aku
Di antara hamparan langit 
dan bentangan bumi
dalam sebilangan makhluk 
Tuhan yang Esa

Terkadang kurasa megah 
Di dalam kumpulan insan yang sekadar
Kupunya keupayaan
Kupunya kelebihan
Hinggakan riak kian menjajah 

Sedar aku
Umat yang kini
hidup di bumi yang kian rapuh
Sahajalah yang dicipta Tuhan 
sebagai penghuni,
penghuni tanah ini

Takku fikir,malah
tak pernah bayangan itu 
menyinggah di benak jauhariku
tentang wujudnya umat terdahulu
Sebelum menghadap Tuhan yang satu

Sedarku hidup ini baru mulanya
Bumi ini baru sahaja bertatih
Hanyalah yang dapat kulihat kini

Namun,takku sedar bahawa
Terlalu ramainya hamba
yang telah berpindah 
Usai singgah di muka bumi.

Uzurnya dunia ini tak pernah ku sedari
Goyahnya bumi ini
bagai kakinya tak berdaya lagi
Kasihankan bumi angkara isinya sendiri
Sungguh dunia ini tidak azali
jua akan pergi.

Dalam rancak kehidupanku ini,
Aku antara golongan musafir itu tadi.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Redah Gapura , Kita Berjaya

Bebanan demi bebanan ,
Menyusup bendang pemikiran,
Hadirnya bena tidaknya keruan,
Menyelusuri hati yang rawan
Sungguh rasanya
Seperti lamanya berzaman.

Teguhkan rantai hati,
Sokongkan tongkat diri,
Carilah jalan sendiri
Terokai indahnya dunia milik Ilahi
Berbekal ilmu di sanubari
Sebagai panduan di muka bumi
Kejayaan di tangan pasti !

Friday, 5 July 2013


I am the person
Who cry,who scream
At the highest
Pitch of heart

So dear,
It’s all kept

People don’t understand
People don’t know
People don’t realize
Don’t even care

Suddenly,I notice
I realize that
It’s about me,myself

They’re not me!

As long as I know
And the One up there as well,
It should be enough

Trust me.

Puppy Love?

I like him 
He likes me
It seems like
We like each other

Oh no!
Is this love?

I like her
She likes me
It seems like
We’re sharing 
the same feeling

We’re sure 
it would be nice
If we can get together

We have declared
Our ‘relationship’

We share this happiness
We meet a problem

We broke up
There’s no special bond

We share this bad news
We find a replacement 
To be our ‘companion’

After all
We don’t think we have ever satisfy
We will never.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Voyage ep 2

The rain subsided.The pupils in the classroom started to talk again.Except for Shifa,she was alone without a companion.

Once heard a gentle humph,"Assalamualaikum,".

Shifa who was staring at the outside of the class startled."Wa..waalaikumussalam.Fuhh,you startled me much!So,what's up?"replied Shifa friendly.


At that time,her mind cannot digest the situation well.A box was handed to her."Well,what's...this?"once she took it,the person she talked to had walked away.'What on earth is going on with him?'grumbled Shifa to herself while taking a look at the box.Well,what a colouful box!It must be a gift...but to who?

After a while,Shifa heard a stamping sound went towards her.She was silent.She cannot do more other than keeping her mouth shut."Assalamualaikum,helloo!What's with the clueless face?".Once she heard that,her finger pointed to the box she received moments ago."I think it's for you Fie,"she smiled.

"But,who give this?"asked Fie curiously.

"Well,it's from Fadh,"

Fadh was one of the pupils in that class.He was about two and a half feet tall.A lot of girls liked him for he was so handsome to them.Plus he was good in most things!But,he just so low-profiled which made the girls reluctanted to approach or talk to him.

'Fadh?'Fie mumbled.Why is he giving me this?Does he like me?Ah,don't expect such thing Fie!


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Voyage ep 1

It was quiet.The class was only filled with some chatting voices.The wind blew so strong till all the curtains were about to fly away."Oh,what a windy day today!"said Fie while holding her hijab."Yeah,I think it's about to rain.Let's read a prayer,"replied Shifa. "Allahumma Soyyiban Nafi'a,"the girls prayed.Nacy whom sitting beside them just observed her two fellows.

Swushhh! The heavy,dark clouds started to pour water.Minutes later,it was raining cats and dogs!For sure,everyone was wet!Shifa was looking here and there."Nacy,do you bring your umbrella?"asked Fie.They were so worried.At last,Nacy and Fie went to the toilet while Shifa prefered to stay.

"Fyi Shifa,the boys are playing and singing in the rain!"

"Yeah,don't they know it is dangerous these days to do such thing?Urghh..,"Fie grumbled.

"Assalamualaikum,Helloo! What's with the clueless face,dear?"said Fie as she realised the quietness of her friend.Shifa pointed to a small box on the table.She then smiled for a second.

There was a small paper,written in it 'Fie,Happy Belated Birthday.'Fie and Nacy confused.

                                                                  TO BE CONTINUED

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Back then
When we cannot see well
Between right and wrong

We just observed ,
we just imitated.

But why ?
Why can't we decide?
Or were we dumb?

That is how
 A life of a human begins
We have no idea
at all
About the world

Time flies
We learn, we listen
All the way
And that is how
We get better

Yet,it still hard
Problems surround us
Problems with ourselves
Problems with surrounding
Ah! Isn't it good
 to have no problem
At all?

Well,problems make our life
Better and more precious
No problem,
we can't learn new things
We wouldn't know
The reason why
We should thank God

Just ,
Be strong,keep calm
And keep put on faith to God
With much effort
We can face the world.

Saturday, 1 June 2013


Like a brick of a house
Like a backbone of a body
Ought to be strong
Ought to be tough 

If it is weak
Or even brittle
Can fall
Can drown 

By strong rival
With strong roots                        
Can be under his foot
Or atop of his roof 

Be strong , be true
Have faith .